
您現在的位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > > 美國ASCO/ASCO電磁閥 > -JOUCOMATIC防爆電磁閥/WBIS8316A304


  • 更新時間:  2024-08-16
  • 產品型號:  -
  • 簡單描述
  • JOUCOMATIC防爆電磁閥/WBIS8316A304
    Prefix "NF", "NL" and "WSNF" Solenoid
    Basic, medium and reduced power
    Aluminium, steel; epoxy coated (NF and NL)
    AISI 316 SS (WSNF)

• Rugged forged brass bodied solenoid valves (mono- or bistable function)
designed to provide maximum flow
• Solenoid valves have poppet type seats and discs to provide tight sealing
• Main valve discs are power driven in both directions by line pressure
min. ΔP 0,7/1,7 bar)
• The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EC Directives
Differential pressure 0,7/1,7 - 17 bar [1 bar = 100kPa]
Maximum viscosity 65cST (mm2/s)
Response times 100 - 1000 ms
fluids (?) temperature range (TS) seal material (?)
air, inert gas, waterINSTALL ATION ● Multi language installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve ● The solenoid valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation ● Important: a minimum operating pressure differential must be maintained between the pressure and exhaust ports. Supply and exhaust piping must be full area and unrestricted ● For dual solenoid construction one of the solenoids may be energized momentarily or continuously.
um on-time of coil is 0,3 second on air and 1,0 seconds on liquids. ● Threaded pipe connection identifier is B = NPT (ANSI 1.20.3). ● Declarations of conformity are available on request ● EEx em (prefix "EM") execution: solenoid enclosure has a cable gland with integral strain relief for cables with an o.d.
from 7 to 12 mm and is pro
vided with an internal and external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductor
Mounting holes in body (1) Standard prefixes/suffixes are also applicable to kits
ADDITIONAL OPTIONS ● EEx m (prefix "PV") execution can be supplied in various cable lengths ● Compliance with "UL", "CSA" and other local approvals available on request ● 1/2" NPT (prefix "T") and M20 x 1,5 (prefix "ET") conduits (aluminium or 316 SS) available for steel solenoid housing ● Special moulded-in solid state components for peak voltage suppression and/or rectification (four diode bridge)



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